Last weekend I joined Beau on a quick trip to his homeland...the Netherlands. While it may have been a quick trip, it was a busy, packed weekend that felt more like a full week and not a few days. I feel like we did so much and if I described everything to you minute by minute this post would get a little too long. I thought I would outline a few little favorites of the trip! It was a wonderful trip, a cute fun country! I'm excited for my next trip there!!!!
1. Business Class - I got bumped up to Business Class on my way over. Champagne, cheese plates, port, a chair that massaged my back. Business Class abroad is amazing!!!!
2. Tulips - OK, it sounds so cliche, but it is true! There really truly are tulips all over this country. Even during a snowy, rainy weekend, we were able to buy gorgeous fresh tulips for 1/2 the price as in the states.
3. Meeting Beau's friends - It was so nice to finally meet the college guy friends. Dinner with 4 Dutch guys. OK, I really do not know if they are talking about me in front of my face, but I am starting to understand at least the subject of the conversation. Hey, it is a start.
4. Red Light District - Not a really a favorite, more of a strange experience that I will remember. I found it very absurd that these girls dance in windows all day long, weird absurd, strange.
5. French Fries - yum. French Fries on the street with curry ketchup. Love!
6. Hotel School in the Hague - We stopped by Beau's college in the Hague and got a little tour. I loved seeing where Beau spent many years learning about restaurants, bars, the hospitality field. It is always interesting to see where people spent their college lives. A step into their past.
7. A day in Amsterdam - Beau's best friend John was our tour guide for the day. It was a relaxing day of wandering the streets, taking a canal tour, coffees, snacks and just a nice day out!
8. Boat Houses - It is so cool the amount of neat boat houses there were in Amsterdam. I would love to plan a party on one!
9. Bikes - I was amazed that even in the middle of a snowy rainy day everybody was still biking along. On our way into the city we drove by many school kids that were biking from home in the middle of the pouring rain. There are parking lot size ramps for bikes instead of cars.
10. The trip - everything was fun and wonderful. It was so nice to see Beau's life in Holland. It was fun to hang out with his parents and friends in the country he grew up in!
11. Stroopwafles - Yum! Theses little waffle cookies filled with caramel are just amazing coming right off of the grill!
12. My little coffee set I bought! Such a cute find!
...oh yes, and little Melina. Beau's cousin's little girl Melina. She was adorable even though I didn't quite understand what she was saying. Her dutch is way better then mine! I think I may be learning from her level:)