The sister box arrived today! Yes, the sister box. A few years ago my oldest sister Charity sent me this box out of the blue. It was filled with tons of fun little gifts for me and then wrapped gifts for Katie. I was to fill it with gifts and send it along to Katie, etc. etc. I think it has been at least 4 years and the sister box has found its way to 3 apartments in DC, Cleveland, Orlando, Vancouver and Seattle. Charity saw this magazine clipping about a "sister safe" in Real Simple years ago and taped it to the box and went with the idea. I can't tell you what a smile it brings to my face when I see the tattered, taped, white, Priority Mail box arrive at the front desk. The sister box is SO fun! Today I had sooo many fun toys. New flip flops, a running tank, candy, flower headbands, awesome cupcake stationary and earrings and the list goes on. Sometimes I wonder if my sisters think that their 27 year old baby sister is actually 17 when I get lots of Hello Kitty and Candy theme gifts. However, lets be honest, I guess I still am at heart.
The sister box is absolutely the best surprise to receive! I think it could work as a friend box or a mother daughter box if you do not have sisters. I know that I am LUCKY to have the most amazing women that are my sisters. I know that even if its a box full of little knick knacks, I know that each was found as a treasure by Charity at Unique or at a little boutique in Seattle by Katie and whatever it is, they were thinking of me. Thanks D'Amato girls!!! You are the best sisters ever!!!! The box will go on till we are old and grey (however we might need a new physical box soon).