There are some weeks that you can not wait for them to be over, like this one. Yesterday I logged off of my work computer, walked out of the building and took a big breathe in, out, relaxed and thought, "hellllllllo weekend!". It started with a nice run, homemade pizza and a night of catching up on my DVR. I have no set plans and look forward to just relaxing. I'm sitting in bed right now doing one of my favorite things, reading magazines and drinking coffee. While I do have some homework to do (sending out more resumes and applying to jobs) I also have no big plans. Here are a few things I'll be enjoying this weekend.
New sites to browse:
Lonny Mag! - I can't wait to dive into this new site/magazine. Similar to Domino, Blueprint and a lot of inspiration.
Emerson Made - This site has such cute flowers. I need a little new accessory for Fall.
Cake is Happiness - Well, if you haven't checked out this new baking blog you MUST. It holds a special place in my heart/bookmarks due to the fact that my amazing sister Katie is behind it. Read it, love it, bake it.
Movies to see:
I'm going to see Paris tonight. Of course I am. We all now I absolutely adore any thing French. Did you check out Erin from Elements of Style trip to Paris? OH MY! I die! I dream of Beau and taking a get away to city of lights, the city of love.
Baking pumpkin cookies (a fall must of the D'Amato family), running, going to my favorite yoga place and relaxing. I hope you all have plans for a fabulous Fall weekend!
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