Today I sat at my desk and just felt very uninspired! I don't know how else to say it, simply, not excited and not inspired. I am trying to keep my head up and put my all towards my current job. You would think working for part of the company that is owned by the celebrity chef who plans the party of the year (the Academy Awards! yes! The Oscars!) would make me inspired and get my mind going, nope. Recently I have felt not creative, meeting plannerish (the other day I revised a proposal 3 times for a meeting for 40 so they could have continental breakfast, exciting) and just blah. I stare at the window hundreds of time during the day, browsing the Internet at amazing events and sites and dreaming of being a part of them. I think that this strange place I am in now goes deeper then just my move to Florida. This move has got me thinking of a lot more then just a new job. Recently I have started thinking of what it reallllly is I want to do. Beau often asks me, "What is it you really dream of doing?". Well, I dream of planning fabulous creative events. Events that are beautiful and make my clients happy. Events that make people in awwwwwww as they walk in the door and won't let them stopping talking about it when they leave. I want to make the events in my mind actually become reality!
Here are a few of the many links that I am obsessed. If any positions open up, sign me up. I often wonder how these planners got started! Maybe I should print out my resume, wrap it up in a big pink box, Fed Ex it over and ask! Inspire me! Get my creative mind going again! These are just a few. There are SO many more I have found recently and will post soon for you to follow on their new blogs. I want to learn how they all started with client #1! xoxo
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