Thank you for ALL of the sweet birthday gifts, cards, calls, texts, Facebook postings and wishes! Thank you. I'm 28 now. wow! It's a new year in my life and a time to think of what is on the horizon. 27 was an interesting year: Newseum opened, Inauguration in DC, Beau was in Florida for the year, lots of trips to friends and family, good times, sad times but another year of things I learned and experienced.
I often put WAY to many things on my to- do list, resolutions, etc. This year I have decidedto just do a few things that I REALLY want to accomplish by 29...here we go...
1. MOVE TO FLORIDA! Monday I have another interview. Fingers crossed. The flips and flops go back and forth in my stomach and mind. This being said, every day beau and I go living more time miles apart and that is no fun. I'm ready. I know that next year I will be blowing out birthday candles in Florida with beau beside me.
2. LOSE THE WEIGHT! Yes, I know, most of you think I'm psycho. I'm petite, I don't have to lose weight, I run marathons, blah blah blah. Anyways, I do. After putting on 10 lbs in the last year I am starting to not feel good about how clothes fit and a little down on myself. I was reading a fabulous article Martha and her daughter Alexis had in the new issue of Body & Soul and it stuck with me. They talked about how dieting is not in their vocabulary. Eat in moderation, healthy and natural. Yes, seriously, diet advice from MARTHA! But its true. For the next month until the marathon I'm making a commitment to myself: no sodas, limited sugar, limited cocktails, no packaged food for diner (Lean Cuisine, etc.). I am going to try and stick with natural healthy food. I need to burn it off healthy and for good. I know the yo yo diets don't do it! Wish me luck, I'll keep you posted.
3. FIND A JOB. I'm looking. I MUST find a job I have interest and desire to wake up and go to an interesting job. I want what I once had back again. I want it! I want to be excited in what I'm walking into daily, have a smile on my face when I pick up the phone. I want to find that!
4. MORE TIME - I want more time to do yoga, bake cookies, visit friends/family, relax. Yes, this is a goal I want! I feel like moving could make this come true. Now when I have time off I think of visiting Florida. No more, watch out beau, I'm moving to Florida and girls weekend are happening there!
5. STRETCH MORE - yes, sounds simple, no. I always feel in such a rush that I do not take those 5 to 10 minutes to stop, stretch, do yoga, relax and move my body how it needs to move. I need to focus on stopping for a few minutes and stretching.
So, it's a short list now, but that's whats on my list of to do's for my new year!
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