Back to School time always makes me think of my Birthday! Oh I just love birthdays! In 29 days I will be turning 28. Wasn't I just turning 18 yesterday??? I think I was asking for a hot pink fur trimmed jacket on my 18th birthday, haha.
This year will be an interesting year. I feel like I have a lot of "adult" decisions in front of me and I am a little stressed and tired of thinking of them. Today I started dreaming about what I would love for my birthday. Just in case anybody is reading... hint hint...here are a few ideas on my mental birthday list. Some things like the dream job, a winning million dollar lottery ticket and front row seats to see Oprah didn't make it in the collage, but they are still an option!
2. Key necklace from Tiffany's. "key to my heart" LOVE THEM!
3. Name necklace. Every since Carrie on SATC wore hers I have wanted one. In my mind they will forever be fabulous. Rebecca/Becca, I'll take one forever!
4. Tranquil Space anything. Gift certificate, t shirt, water bottle, the place makes me peaceful
5. A Cupcake ...had to add that
6. Laughter and a smile for the day...had to add that since I was feeling super stressed today
7. New Camera. My poor little power shot is in poor shape. It is time to upgrade, in pink of course!
8. Anything from Jonathan Adler's new fabulous BARBIE line, preferably a pillow, not to be choosy;)
Too add to my list I will be dreaming of: an internship with Colin Cowie, an unlimited year long trip around the world, a pink pair of Louboutin's, private dance lessons from Beyonce, yoga classes from Kimberly Wilson and cooking classes with Giada and to top off the birthday I would like to add a romantic dinner with Beau in Amsterdam in a cafe by the canals. I thought the last one would be fun and hey Beau celebrates his big day on the 19th so why not a joint adventure to his home country :)
A girl can dream. Hey, it's soon to be my birthday!
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