Happy 2010! I started my New Year off this morning by laying in bed for hours, drinking coffee and reading magazines, I absolutely love doing that. I started to think of the past ten years, what I've done, where I've been. Some fun memories came into my mind
that I thought I would share. Wow, the last 10 years have been quite a decade.
Here is to the next 10 and many many more memories! Happy New Year!
{10 years of memories}
Attended Syracuse University
Joined a sorority
Met great forever girlfriends
Lived in London (Saw Prince Harry & William, sigh)
Interned in NYC
Graduated College
Travelled to fabulous countries: France, Italy, Scotland, Austria, Ireland, Mexico, Canada
Got my first job at the Kennedy Center
Saw Beyonce live in person at work, served her fried chicken. (hee hee, yes, huge deal!)
Moved to Washington DC
Met more great forever girlfriends in my new city
Ran my first, second, third and fourth marathon
Ran a 1/2 marathon with my parents
Sold my car and became public transportation friendly
Opened the Newseum and started a new job
Stood on the mall with my sisters and 1,000's of others watching Obama's Inauguration
Voted in my 1st presidential election, voted in the 2009 election!!!
Moved into my own place
Stood in three of my best friends weddings
Started practicing yoga
Got braces for the 2nd time.
Saw Queen Martha live in person with my oldest sister
Watched the Piano Man perform for my Dad's birthday
Relived my youth by going to a New Kids concert
Started blogging, opened a Gmail Account, Twitter account, Facebook account,
life will never be the same.
Bought my first designer handbag (haha, big memory out of college of buying Louis!)
Did the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, Cleanse and am still hunting for
the magical weight loss plan
Dressed up for Halloween as a Brownie, Starbucks Barista, Witch, Princess Leia
Hosted my first Thanksgiving
Begin a great tradition with my sisters of the Sister Box
Died my hair black, blonde, brown and a little in between
Read the Twilight series
Ate my first Magnolia Bakery Cupcake
Went to St. Tropez with a bestie
Grew up ....a little
Worked at an amazing inauguration event with my sisters
Got ready for the next decade of my life to bring bigger, better and more wonderful memories!